Protest art

Mis à jour le vendredi 20 avril 2018

Dans le cadre d’un projet sur l’art engagé, les élèves de 1ES2, 1L, 1S1 et la plupart des élèves de 1STSS1 ont travaillé sur des oeuvres engagées. Les élèves de 1L, 1S1 et 1ES2 ont exposé leurs travaux et les ont présentés à d’autres classes dans le cadre d’une exposition. Quant aux élèves de 1STSS1 et 1ES2, ils vous présentent ici en pièce jointe leurs audio guides, afin de vous permettre d’en apprendre plus sur les oeuvres qu’ils ont choisies.

[bleu ciel]Exposition[/bleu ciel]

(click on the pictures to enlarge them) 


  • Lucy CHATWOOD, The Arbalest, 2016
    Arthur and Maxime
    She is a British artist who made several protest art works based on the video games’ universe .Here, she fights against racism and mostly discrimination. We can notice a little black girl being protected by her father and dehumanized aggressors as we cannot see their faces and who can be compared to Ku Klux Klan members as they’re wearing white capes and holding torches.



  • Duane HANSON, Policeman and the Rioter, 1967
    Betjo and Okotcha
    The following sculpture represents a white US policeman beating up a black US citizen. The artist got inspiration from a real riot that someone took a photograph of. It raises the question of police violence, racism and discrimination in the US.



  • BIKISMO, Handshake, in Williamsburg - NYC
    Christina and Allana
    Bikismo, a Puerto Rican street artist, represents the violence and evils of today’s society. This mural might be summarized this way : ‘In our society, you need to be careful with who you do your business with, don’t trust everyobdy’, the artist said.



  • Eric Garner
    Dolorès and Jonathan
    3 years ago, Eric Garner aged 44 got arrested by the police. A police officer used a chokehold (compression of neck and chest) which is prohibited and wrestled the African American man down the pavement. Garner repeatedly said ‘I can’t breathe’ to the police (11 times) and died later. An horrifying video testifies this arrest now seen as a symbol of protest against police violence.



  • John HOLCROFT, Ego I Like It
    Frédéric, Rudy and Wills
    John Holcroft was an English illustrator who was interested in politics and satire. Here, the use and the purpose of technology, i.e. social networks are derided. He actually criticizes people’s behaviour/relations to social media. People are addicted to it.



  • Elliot ERWITT, Segregated Water Fountains, 1950
    Indrisca and Vanousia
    This is a photograph taken by Elliot Erwitt in 1950 in North Carolina, US. A black man is drinking water from a ‘black’ water fountain as the whites had ‘their own facilities’. It shows how US society divided, seperated so segregated its population.



  • Frida KHALO, Self-Portrait, 1932
    Mégane and Lorianika
    Frida Khalo was a Mexican artist. In this painting, two countries, Mexico and the USA are represented. Frida is standing between both. She denounces the inequalities between a developing country, Mexico, and the USA, a developed country whose economy was boosted by industrialisation at the time.



  • Luis Quiles
    Amélie and Gandhy
    Here is an illustration by the Spanish artist Luis Quiles. Sadly he didn’t give a name to his work which denounces domestic violence and can be connected with sexual harassment too, sex discrimination, that has been dramatically denounced over the past few months.



  • Arin FISHKIN, Hands Up Don’t Shoot
    Djahminn, Mirabelle and Ryan
    Fishkin is a US graphic designer. Here, he symbolizes the Black Lives Matter movement, i.e. a movement starting in 2013 in the US and defending African-Americans rights. ‘Hands up’ refer to resistance and ‘don’t shoot’ to non-violence. What’s criticized here is police violence against Afro-Americans. We may also consider that it refers to Michael Brown’s death in 2014 who was shot by the police in Ferguson whereas he didn’t bear any guns.



  • Duane HANSON, Supermarket Lady, 1969-70
    Laurence & Laurent
    Duane Hanson was an American sculptor and his work was often associated with the Pop Art movement, even hyperrealism.
    Supermarket Lady is a polyester and fiberglass realistic sculpture made from a living model. It was manufactured by Duane Hanson between 1969 and 1970. With this sculpture, Hanson denounces the consumer society.



  • Philip HAGOPIAN, A Presidential Protest, 2016
    Sharifa and Stephy
    This painting was made by an American painter named Philip Hagopian. And this work of art represents his reaction to reality/our society : the election of Donal Trump, the president of the US. It aims at mocking Mr. Trump comparing him with an ape.



  • Milton’s work : The Truth about the Presidential Election
    The Truth about the Presidential Election
    Great job Milton !



  • Milton, the artist
    Milton’s work of art.
    Try to figure out the meaning ;)



[bleu ciel]Audio guides[/bleu ciel]



source : Wikimedia Commons - click to enlarge
source : Wikimedia Commons
Migrant Mother, Dorothea Lange, 1936



source : - click to enlarge
Paths Of Glory, Christopher Nevinson, 1917



source : Wikimedia commons
Get Up, Stand Up - Bob Marley, 1973
Wikimedia Foundation



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Freedom, Beyonce, 2016



source : - click to enlarge
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Dirty White Trash (with Gulls), Tim Noble & Sue Webster, 1998



Photograph : Jonathan Bachman/Reuters, 2016 - click to enlarge
Taking a stand in Baton Rouge, Ieshia Evans



image source : - click to enlarge
Piggy Bank’s Doctors, John HOLCROFT
This illustration is about the bad working conditions of doctors.
They’re even compared to piggy banks as they now treat patients according to the money and benefits people can get. It may be connected with lobbying too as pharmaceutical companies, for example, put pressure on the medical staff to deliver specific drugs, etc.



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Dolorès & Jonathan

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